Thank you for your interest in Shannon Boat Company.

The science of climate change is well established and its effects are widespread, rapid and intensifying. Considering marine craft pump 250 million tons of carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides, plus hundreds of chemical elements and carcinogenic compounds from raw untreated diesel exhaust every year into the world’s water and air we breathe our mission for the past decade has been to take on the marine industry engineering’s toughest challenge to develop new boats that provide more speed using less horsepower while eliminating carbon emissions.  Shannon’s independent spinoff company, STec Technology Inc., has engineered  the hybrid electric Amphfoil based on surface effect technology for faster speeds and longer range, and a wholly new marine diesel exhaust treatment system which is simple, powerful, and economical for all new-build boats and existing boats, removing up to 90% of harmful pollutants from diesel emissions.

Visit for more information on STec’s Reactive Cyclical Induction system (RCI) and for details and Amphfoil technology and models.

If you would like to hear how we are helping transform the marine environment to a lower carbon and nitrogen oxide future, give us a call 401-253-2441 or email